Musical Ignition
Τελικά έχει διαφορά το αν θα ξεκινήσεις τη μέρα σου ακούγοντας Opeth και Pain Of Salvation ή το soundtrack της ταινίας “Amelie”. Πάντα επιδίωκα να ακούω μουσική που θεωρούσα ότι αντιπροσώπευε την εσωτερική μου κατάσταση, ενώ σπάνια θα προσπαθούσα να κάνω το αντίστροφο, δηλαδή να προσαρμόσω την ψυχική μου κατάσταση στη μουσική. Εδώ που τα λέμε δεν θέλει και ιδιαίτερη προσπάθεια. Ούτως ή άλλως η μουσική σε επηρεάζει. Αλλά τι κάνεις αν λατρεύεις ένα καταθλιπτικό συγκρότημα και θες να νιώθεις και όμορφα; Η αλήθεια είναι ότι δεν είναι όλες οι στιγμές ίδιες, και σίγουρα δεν θα θες πάντα να νιώθεις σαν τις πεταλούδες την άνοιξη ούτε σαν τον κακό σου τον καιρό. Και τα νεύρα είναι απαραίτητα για την ομαλή λειτουργία του πνευματικού μας οργανισμού, και η θλίψη, και η μελαγχολία, και η σύγχυση, γιατί υποτίθεται ότι ωθούν σε ψυχική ενδυνάμωση. Και μετά έρχονται και οι πεταλούδες. Λαλα. Χοχοχο.
Let me introduce you to Zoned's music...
Taken from his website:
Taken from his website:
"The material you find here is my creation. Mostly conjured with Reason 4, my steadfast PCR-800 MIDI keyboard, the awesome Echo Mia MIDI soundcard, and nighttime jammin' ...
And, should this music please you so much you want to use it for something, don't hesitate! It's free-as-in-beer to use. However, you must give me credits for the work (obvious). Also, the music cannot be used for a commercial project. :'D"
Social Wallpapering
Here's something for all us wallpaper lovers :) It is a nice effort to organize high-resolution wallpapers from around the web, for more technical details you can check the FAQ in their website.
A post-punk/coldwave/synthpop blog
A neightbour (and friend!) of mine suggested the following blog as a source of some rare pieces of "post-punk, coldwave, synthpunk, minimal wave, synthpop, and various other combinations of these styles.", as it says over there. So here's the link, enjoy ;)
It is a funny feeling, sitting here, in the suburban railway of Athens, typing down random bloggy stuff on a netbook, while watching the buildings and the compiled garbage in the corners of streets move back in time. Now playing: Pain of Salvation - In The Flesh. And now it moves faster and faster. I hope the destination is not dark and cold.
Where are we going? Where are we coming from? "Next station: ROUF" - the stream of thought is violently interrupted by the 180dB loud voice of the driver.
Where are we going? Where are we coming from? "Next station: ROUF" - the stream of thought is violently interrupted by the 180dB loud voice of the driver.
Lothlorien - Greenwood Side
This is a link to download this rare (over here, at least) album by the celtic music band Lothlorien. It has some of the most beautiful celtic music I've ever heard.
Nobody's Here
To Kevin ;) You should check him out indeed... Thanks a lot for following this blog, even though it's not so actively maintained...!
Hello, it's good to see you here
Come in, can I offer you a beer?
And they say this what it's like forever
...Roll this up, it's deadly...
To feel, feel like there's nobody here
...Feel like there's no more fear
I wanna feel like this for a year...
...Feel like there's nobody here...
To live and lock yourself away
Relax, it doesn't matter anyway
'Cause it's all a lie, it's true
I think, I guess, I know, I think, I know
...Fuck off...
Why can't I remember?
I feel, feel like there's nobody here
...Feel like there's no more fear
I wanna feel like this for a year...
...Feel like there's nobody here...
Heroes, they take my breath away
Zero the dials
See how the breakdown breaks ground
And zeros the miles
Hello, it's good to see you here
Come in, can I offer you a beer?
And they say this what it's like forever
...Roll this up, it's deadly...
To feel, feel like there's nobody here
...Feel like there's no more fear
I wanna feel like this for a year...
...Feel like there's nobody here...
To live and lock yourself away
Relax, it doesn't matter anyway
'Cause it's all a lie, it's true
I think, I guess, I know, I think, I know
...Fuck off...
Why can't I remember?
I feel, feel like there's nobody here
...Feel like there's no more fear
I wanna feel like this for a year...
...Feel like there's nobody here...
Heroes, they take my breath away
Zero the dials
See how the breakdown breaks ground
And zeros the miles
The way it goes, is the way it goes.
I'm all right to go
The way it goes, is the way it goes.
I'm all right to go
So go... go.
They took their things and headed for the coast
Denied of all in life they needed most
Loves forgotten child
born into the wild
Come to the coast, come to the coast, come to the coast
it will find you...
The fallout from the California glow
Toronto's frozen over this every man should know
I've forgotten now
Won't you show me how?
Run away, just run away from here.
Just run away, just run away my dear...
'Cause love's forgotten child...
So go into the wild
Somebody took me away...something controls me...
Somebody took me away...something controls me...
Somebody took me away...something controls me...
The Zeros - Prehatching the rennaisance of the century
The current decade will be gone (RIP), blown up into pieces, obliterated into past memorabila in just a few months from now.
I was thinking how things have been for music these last 9 years.
Every decade has a unique character in its general musical tendencies. The Zeros Decade wonderfully applied its name qualities on music itself. A lot of bands came back from the dead to remind us why they disbanded in the first place (not all of them, hopefully), experimentation experimented on itself resulting in a reproduction of its own source of inspiration... There came to be a fatigue in the evolution of music. Everything seems to have already be combined with everything else. Only in these last couple of years have new things appeared around, with terms like "procedural compotition" and new electronic instruments such as the Yamaha Tenorion.
At least that's how I feel about the last decade.
But still, the last decade has also been very, very special.
Another quality of the Zero's name that applied itself onto music is this of a Zero Point. The 00s, while prehatching it, became the Big Bang for a whole new universe, called "The Internet". While evolution in music in terms of inspiration and originality was set back, its very relation to the known world is radically changing, and it will not be very far in the future (probably the next decade) that we begin to see its effect on sound itself.
There is a term going around, "open source", that derives from free software (software that can be freely redistributed and altered, resulting in an evergoing evolution of the software). The free software and the open source philosophy is beggining to be applied on other things as well. Music is one of them. Global, "unofficial" and "uncorporated" cooperation is something being applied on software at the moment, making it hard for companies like Microsoft to keep up. A couple of automobile companies are trying to do the same with their automobiles. Medical departments are trying to do the same. It's been reported. And it's also happening in music. And it will happen in many other things. The world will gradually switch to the "open source" model, not because it's the New Thing, but mostly because it works better for everyone on the long run.
It's intriguing to ponder on what the open source philosophy can make of music and the music industry as we know it. We can only wait... and listen.
I was thinking how things have been for music these last 9 years.
Every decade has a unique character in its general musical tendencies. The Zeros Decade wonderfully applied its name qualities on music itself. A lot of bands came back from the dead to remind us why they disbanded in the first place (not all of them, hopefully), experimentation experimented on itself resulting in a reproduction of its own source of inspiration... There came to be a fatigue in the evolution of music. Everything seems to have already be combined with everything else. Only in these last couple of years have new things appeared around, with terms like "procedural compotition" and new electronic instruments such as the Yamaha Tenorion.
At least that's how I feel about the last decade.
But still, the last decade has also been very, very special.
Another quality of the Zero's name that applied itself onto music is this of a Zero Point. The 00s, while prehatching it, became the Big Bang for a whole new universe, called "The Internet". While evolution in music in terms of inspiration and originality was set back, its very relation to the known world is radically changing, and it will not be very far in the future (probably the next decade) that we begin to see its effect on sound itself.
There is a term going around, "open source", that derives from free software (software that can be freely redistributed and altered, resulting in an evergoing evolution of the software). The free software and the open source philosophy is beggining to be applied on other things as well. Music is one of them. Global, "unofficial" and "uncorporated" cooperation is something being applied on software at the moment, making it hard for companies like Microsoft to keep up. A couple of automobile companies are trying to do the same with their automobiles. Medical departments are trying to do the same. It's been reported. And it's also happening in music. And it will happen in many other things. The world will gradually switch to the "open source" model, not because it's the New Thing, but mostly because it works better for everyone on the long run.
It's intriguing to ponder on what the open source philosophy can make of music and the music industry as we know it. We can only wait... and listen.
Luc Arbogast
This medieval dude down there is called Luc Arbogast, he is from france, and you can check his myspace site HERE...
Live gigs and geeky deeds
It all began when I was born.
Nice start, huh? But I will go on in a very different style.
Yesterday I went to the Exumer live show, On Stage club (in Athens, for all you non-greek readers who possibly don't exist - prove me otherwise with your comments :E). I knew very little about this band, so the main reason I went was because Convixion, a band some friends of mine have, was playing, first in line as well.
They φακινγκ rule, I must say.
Continuing this totally unbiased (as far as I can take it) review, I should note that they probably had the best sound of all 5 (or 6?) bands performing that evening. That was probably because Panos "Misdeal" and his experienced ear built-in-since birth device was behind the console taking over the sound. One of the very few thrash live shows that the guitars doesn't sound so "muddy" and "yoghurty". Their few new songs (which are yet to be recorded)such as "I come alive" are slightly better than the old ones in my opinion, more mature, more complex, and probably more fun! (allthough "Drink metal" might accompany them as their all-time classic until the end of times - maybe ALL times).
The rest of the bands were quite cool as well, less melodies around though (of course, it was a freakin' thrash metal gig). Exumer seemed to have let some of their fans dissapointed, but also left most of them with bruises and great memories of boots and the ooze-covered wooden floor approaching their face at quite a rate
The end (of the "review")
...but The Beggining of today's good deeds:
AT around 19:00 pm, greek Ubuntu users, with almost no idea of one for another, are gathering in Monastiraki to celebrate the new Ubuntu Linux release, called "Jaunty Jackalope" (v. 9.04), while eating wonderful souvlaki.
Later this evening, I'm definitely going to another gig, "Sad Lovers And Giants" (well-known new/dark wave band), in Gagarin543958can'trememberthenumber live stage.
Maybe i'll post a review about that one as well.
Goodbye, till our next meeting.
Nice start, huh? But I will go on in a very different style.
Yesterday I went to the Exumer live show, On Stage club (in Athens, for all you non-greek readers who possibly don't exist - prove me otherwise with your comments :E). I knew very little about this band, so the main reason I went was because Convixion, a band some friends of mine have, was playing, first in line as well.
They φακινγκ rule, I must say.
Continuing this totally unbiased (as far as I can take it) review, I should note that they probably had the best sound of all 5 (or 6?) bands performing that evening. That was probably because Panos "Misdeal" and his experienced ear built-in-since birth device was behind the console taking over the sound. One of the very few thrash live shows that the guitars doesn't sound so "muddy" and "yoghurty". Their few new songs (which are yet to be recorded)such as "I come alive" are slightly better than the old ones in my opinion, more mature, more complex, and probably more fun! (allthough "Drink metal" might accompany them as their all-time classic until the end of times - maybe ALL times).
The rest of the bands were quite cool as well, less melodies around though (of course, it was a freakin' thrash metal gig). Exumer seemed to have let some of their fans dissapointed, but also left most of them with bruises and great memories of boots and the ooze-covered wooden floor approaching their face at quite a rate
The end (of the "review")
...but The Beggining of today's good deeds:
AT around 19:00 pm, greek Ubuntu users, with almost no idea of one for another, are gathering in Monastiraki to celebrate the new Ubuntu Linux release, called "Jaunty Jackalope" (v. 9.04), while eating wonderful souvlaki.
Later this evening, I'm definitely going to another gig, "Sad Lovers And Giants" (well-known new/dark wave band), in Gagarin543958can'trememberthenumber live stage.
Maybe i'll post a review about that one as well.
Goodbye, till our next meeting.
Amiga Kickstart Roms (Tosec v.0.04)
It recently reoccured me, this retroxperience feeling that makes me want to bath among bits and bytes of the past. Amiga 500 was my first computer and anyone who once owned an Amiga knows it stays with you. Forever.
So, for anyone who's been looking for these, here they are, the kickstart roms for use with any Amiga emulator (winUAE is my favourite in Windows, haven't tried one in Linux yet)!
Amiga Kickstart Roms (Tosec v.0.04)
So, for anyone who's been looking for these, here they are, the kickstart roms for use with any Amiga emulator (winUAE is my favourite in Windows, haven't tried one in Linux yet)!
Amiga Kickstart Roms (Tosec v.0.04)
Ok, I guess this can be one of the scariest game series you can play on your computer (whether you have Windows or Mac or even Linux on your PC, they come in all platforms).
I haven't played too much of the 1st part called "Penumbra: Overture", but I've completed the 2nd one called "Black Plague". It doesn't take much to come along with the story once you know more or less what's going on with the previous game, even if you haven't completed it.
So... The gameplay is based on the much beloved 1st person perception with its best point being the vast interaction with the enviroment via a physics engine which allows you to pick up barrels and through them at will and according to mouse motion, open doors and drawers by draggin them etc. This kind of control makes you experience the enviroment in a very natural way and that's what makes the game scarier. As you get used to the way games "work", you might lose the feeling of actually being into the game itself (at least I did), so this refreshing approach really does the trick! You also get this constant feeling that you're going to be attacked by something unwordly and have your hands ripped off. Dark corridors, a lot of closed doors, not having any profound way to defeat the... um, I won't elaborate here ;) - a fantastic audio experience which freaks you out even more, and a relatively common story which unfolds in quite an uncommon way and coming down to a pretty uncommon finale, this is a must-play for someone who likes good horror in gaming. It's not perfect, ok, but what this title offers really compensates for its flaws.
So head over to and get a clue ;)
I haven't played too much of the 1st part called "Penumbra: Overture", but I've completed the 2nd one called "Black Plague". It doesn't take much to come along with the story once you know more or less what's going on with the previous game, even if you haven't completed it.
So... The gameplay is based on the much beloved 1st person perception with its best point being the vast interaction with the enviroment via a physics engine which allows you to pick up barrels and through them at will and according to mouse motion, open doors and drawers by draggin them etc. This kind of control makes you experience the enviroment in a very natural way and that's what makes the game scarier. As you get used to the way games "work", you might lose the feeling of actually being into the game itself (at least I did), so this refreshing approach really does the trick! You also get this constant feeling that you're going to be attacked by something unwordly and have your hands ripped off. Dark corridors, a lot of closed doors, not having any profound way to defeat the... um, I won't elaborate here ;) - a fantastic audio experience which freaks you out even more, and a relatively common story which unfolds in quite an uncommon way and coming down to a pretty uncommon finale, this is a must-play for someone who likes good horror in gaming. It's not perfect, ok, but what this title offers really compensates for its flaws.
So head over to and get a clue ;)
Ubuntu Intrepid kernel update
I read that Linux kernel v. 2.6.28, Torvald's Christmass present to the people (heh) had several nice improvements, the most appealing to me being the new graphics thingy (yes I know THAT much), the Graphics Execution Manager. I wanted to see if it would improve the graphics response around the interface. And it DID! :D But I had to install the latest nVidia drivers (180.x) to get the kernel to work allright. So I guess the result is a combination of the drivers and the kernel.
So, I thought of patching the 2.6.27 kernel manually, which I didn't, hopefully. I risked using some of Jaunty's repositories to install only what I needed (that was, all the required .28 kernel files plus the latest gfx-nvidia drivers) and It all went fine. I removed the repositories immediately after. I think it worthed it.
So, I thought of patching the 2.6.27 kernel manually, which I didn't, hopefully. I risked using some of Jaunty's repositories to install only what I needed (that was, all the required .28 kernel files plus the latest gfx-nvidia drivers) and It all went fine. I removed the repositories immediately after. I think it worthed it.
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